Weā€™re sorry to see you go...

Your subscription cancellation will process as soon as you click the button below. Weā€™re all about clarity, so hereā€™s what to expect.
Please noteĀ - cancellation only applies to ongoing subscriptions. It does not process any refunds.

Cancellation Time Frame

Important to Note: Cancellations should be submitted 2 days prior to your monthly charge date to ensure the transaction is completed before the next monthly charge.

To find your renewal day: Click on Settings - Purchase History - Purchase Date. The day of the month is your recurring renewal day.

Cancellation Confirmation Email

We’ll send you an email soon after you cancel to confirm your request has been processed. This email will also have the date that your membership will end (it will be the day of the month that your subscription usually processes). The email will have the subject line “Wag Nation Membership: You will be missed! (request received)”

Once Your Subscription Ends

You’ll have membership access to everything up to the day your subscription ends . When your membership finishes, you will lose access to:

  • Games Libraries
  • Coaching Tips
  • Members Only Private Facebook Group
  • Your Free Training Resources

You will still have any PDF resources you have downloaded to your devices or printed. Those are yours to keep for your private dog training library.

Thank you so much for being a member!

Cancelling Your Subscription Affects Membership To

Home School the Dog

Wag Nation

Alumni paid monthly $9.97/month

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